Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Something has happened...

Something has happened...I'm getting excited. I've always been excited about the baby part, and have been preparing for that for a long time: Picturing the baby, our first meeting, the orphanage, meeting his birth mom. I've spent a lot of time imagining all that. But now I'm getting excited about the travel. Maybe it's because we've booked our appointments to begin our immunizations for Africa, maybe it's because I've spent more time reading South Africa the Beautiful, but I'm getting really excited about travelling in South Africa.

When Marc and I were in Grand Rapids we spent time in Barnes and Noble and purchased a South African travel book. It gives a little information about the history and the cultures of South Africa and then goes through each region in detail, describing attractions, museums, and tours of each area. I'm reading through the book cover to cover making note of places we'd like to visit. So far, I think we'll have to move there to see all the things I'd like to see.
We're not sure how easy it will be to travel, especially with a baby. We don't know if our baby will be three months or 12 months and the baby's age will definitely impact our ability to travel. But for now, even deciding which region to set as our "base" and some "must sees" is worthwhile.

The problem is, each morning when Leah wakes us up (this morning it was 5:45 a.m.) instead of going back to sleep, I lie awake thinking about international driver's licenses, the feasibility of an in-country flight from Johannesburg to Capetown and whether or not to stay at Kruger National Park. Not because I'm worried, just because I'm excited.
I'm not complaining, about the lack of sleep I mean. I'd say I'll sleep afterwards, once we're home, but then, it'll be something else (or someone else) keeping me awake.
Somehow, I don't think I'll mind that either!

1 comment:

  1. We look forward to seeing all your travel photos - maybe by the time we go camping this summer?!
