Sunday, August 22, 2010

Precious Moments

Jeremy just woke up. We've had a busy of day of switching off with the kids while we juggled our Sunday responsibilities at church. Marc left the house at 8:00 this morning already to practise in time for the service...I left halfway through supper to make it in time to practise for the evening service only to rush home so that Marc could leave for a youth event that began after the service. We had company after church complete with the dutch Sunday tradition of dessert before lunch -- Rhubarb cake with ice cream, followed by hamburgers, two types of salads and good old ice cream sandwiches. It was a busy day in which we were always hurrying the kids somewhere, or feeding someone or clearing up dishes. I came home from church, Marc had the kids in bed already (bless him), and I sat down with a cup of tea and my book (1000 Awesome Things). I read for an hour and was just getting up to get a drink when I heard Jeremy peeping from his room. I've hardly seen him all day and missed putting him to bed tonight. I quietly dimmed the lights in the living room, sneaked into his room and got him out of bed. His little eyes were still squeezed shut and his little squishy fists were balled up tight as he squirmed slightly and nuzzled my arm. Carrying him into the living room I kissed his little head and nursed him in the dark. Peace and quiet with my little boy sucking softly, sleepily, contentedly. He finished, but I wasn't; I sat in the stillness and held my sweet babe, stroking his impossibly soft skin. Precious.